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President of Lithuania: Prisoner of the Gulag ( A Biography of Aleksandras Stulginskis)

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Knygos „President of Lithuania: Prisoner of the Gulag ( A Biography of Aleksandras Stulginskis)“ aprašymas

Aleksandras Stulginskis experienced all of the calamities of Lithuania - the Soviet occupation, exile to the camps of Siberia, and imprisonment from 1941-1954.

Through the 20 year period of Lithuanian independence between the 1st and 2nd World Wars three persons served as president. Antanas Smetona who fled to the West after the Soviet ultimatum of 15 June 1940, Kazys Grinius who fled to the West in 1944 and Aleksandras Stulginskis who was the only one of the three who remained in Lithuania to experience her tragic fate.
This book takes you from the period of his birth in 1885 to the time of his death in 1969. It is the story of a true patriot and an extraordinary personality in Lithuanian history. As one of the signers of the Restoration of Freedom he helped give Lithuania 20 years of freedom. He also experienced all of the tragedies of the country - the Soviet occupation, exile to the camps of Siberia and imprisonment.
While imprisoned in a Siberian camp on 10 December 1945 he wrote a letter to Stalin in which he stated " life is inextricably entwined with the history of the Lithuanian State and it can not end without footprints..."
The author Alfonsas Eidintas has served as Lithuanian ambassador to the United States and to Canada. His research for this book includes information from actual Soviet documents and from interviews conducted with people that had first hand knowledge about Aleksandras Stulginskis' life.

  • Autorius: Alfonsas Eidintas
  • Leidėjas: LGGRTC
  • Knygos puslapių skaičius: 392
  • Formatas: 13x20, kieti viršeliai
  • ISBN ar kodas: 9986-757-41-X

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Žanras: Lietuvių literatūra

Online knygynas siūlo skaitytojams įsigyti internetu knygą „President of Lithuania: Prisoner of the Gulag ( A Biography of Aleksandras Stulginskis)“, Alfonsas Eidintas. Pasižvalgyti po platų knygyno asortimentą verta, nes pas mus visada rasite itin geras knygų kainas, išpardavimus, akcijas ir leidinius, kurie įprastai kainuoja pigiau nei fiziniuose knygynuose.

Apsispręsti, ar Alfonsas Eidintas su knyga „President of Lithuania: Prisoner of the Gulag ( A Biography of Aleksandras Stulginskis)“ jus sudomino, padės mūsų parengtas išsamus kūrinio aprašymas, kuriame pateikiame santrauką apie autoriaus kūrybą, trumpai užsimename apie siužetą (nebijokit, turinio neišduodame!), žanrą ar nagrinėjamas temas. 

Dar daugiau – mūsų online pirkėjai noriai palieka atsiliepimus apie perskaitytas knygas. Todėl iš karto sužinosite ar knyga „President of Lithuania: Prisoner of the Gulag ( A Biography of Aleksandras Stulginskis)“ patiko skaitytojams bei kaip knygų mylėtojai įvertino kitus kūrinius, kuriuos parašė Alfonsas Eidintas. Nepamirškite atsiliepimo apie knygą „President of Lithuania: Prisoner of the Gulag ( A Biography of Aleksandras Stulginskis)“ palikti ir jūs.


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