The metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) was invented in 1960. The processing technology required for suc cessful high volume fabrication became available in 1968. The use of doped polycrystalline silicon as the gate electrode, instead of aluminum or some other metal, resulted in substantial enhancement in performance. Efforts to improve the properties of MOS devices produced new structures such as: CMOS, MNOS, SOS, VMOS, DMOS, FAMOS, etc. In recent years a great deal of work has been done to study the fabrication and properties of MOSFET's. There are two reasons for this huge interest in this subiect: (1) higher density of device per chip, (2) higher yields and lower costs. Both of these factors make MOSFET's more competitive than bipolar transistors for VLSI purposes. This book is a comprehensive bibliography of of over 4400 references of the world literature in MOSFET technologies. It also includes the literature on charge-coupled devices and GaAs FET's.
Autorius: | A. H. Agajanian |
Serija: | IFI Data Base Library |
Leidėjas: | Springer New York |
Išleidimo metai: | 2012 |
Knygos puslapių skaičius: | 392 |
ISBN-10: | 1468461222 |
ISBN-13: | 9781468461220 |
Formatas: | 254 x 178 x 22 mm. Knyga minkštu viršeliu |
Kalba: | Anglų |
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