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God is Gift. Album

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2024-07-31 7.19 SoldOut

Knygos „God is Gift. Album“ aprašymas

“If looks could kill, would there be anybody left?
Thank God, looks do not kill. They can judge, they can condemn, and that’s what they are constantly doing.
Citizens of this world, we are condemned to tolerate each other. So here we are, civilized people, walking around under the same sun.Yet regrettably, to tolerate does not mean the same thing as to respect. Truly, if looks could kill, we would all be dead.
But if looks could save, would all no longer die?" (...)
Meditations on the way to Golgotha is a common project by flemish father Elias and lithuanian artist Vaidotas Kvašys.
The Stations of the Cross were a bas-relief created in April 1996 for the Church of Saint Michael Archangel in Kaunas, using author’s mixed technique. The size of the bas-relief was 650x1150. In November 1996 the work was destroyed.
Father Elias (Frederic Boudewijn Leyds) was born in 1958, in Eindhoven in the Netherlands. He is brother and priest in the Congregation of Saint John.
He lives and works in Vilnius.
Vaidotas Kvašys, artist, was born in 1955, in Vilnius in Lithuania.
He lives and works there.
English and lithuanian edition

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Žanras: Lietuvių literatūra

Online knygynas siūlo skaitytojams įsigyti internetu knygą „God is Gift. Album“, Text by father Elias, Bas-relief Vaidotas Kvašys. Pasižvalgyti po platų knygyno asortimentą verta, nes pas mus visada rasite itin geras knygų kainas, išpardavimus, akcijas ir leidinius, kurie įprastai kainuoja pigiau nei fiziniuose knygynuose.

Apsispręsti, ar Text by father Elias, Bas-relief Vaidotas Kvašys su knyga „God is Gift. Album“ jus sudomino, padės mūsų parengtas išsamus kūrinio aprašymas, kuriame pateikiame santrauką apie autoriaus kūrybą, trumpai užsimename apie siužetą (nebijokit, turinio neišduodame!), žanrą ar nagrinėjamas temas. 

Dar daugiau – mūsų online pirkėjai noriai palieka atsiliepimus apie perskaitytas knygas. Todėl iš karto sužinosite ar knyga „God is Gift. Album“ patiko skaitytojams bei kaip knygų mylėtojai įvertino kitus kūrinius, kuriuos parašė Text by father Elias, Bas-relief Vaidotas Kvašys. Nepamirškite atsiliepimo apie knygą „God is Gift. Album“ palikti ir jūs.


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