Winston Henry always envied the night shift staff up at the old asylum, until there was a vacancy and he found himself working it. Then it was like he'd woken up to what Echo Heights was really like, and everything changed. He remembered the old saying, "be careful what you wish for," because it may come true. But it wasn't exactly what he thought it would be. Up till then, Winston had never been one for listening to gossip; he avoided people if he could. He thought the stories they told about the things they heard or saw were all made up for attention seeking, so he paid them no heed. That was until he changed to the night shift. About The Author: British crime author Pat McDonald lives in a rural part of the Midlands, United Kingdom. She previously worked as a researcher, project manager, and programme manager in the NHS, and in law enforcement and the criminal justice system. She is now a full-time novelist. This is her first published short story and her sixteenth book. She was inspired by her own experiences working in an old Victorian asylum.
Autorius: | Pat McDonald |
Leidėjas: | Strategic Book Publishing |
Išleidimo metai: | 2023 |
Knygos puslapių skaičius: | 46 |
ISBN-10: | 1682359727 |
ISBN-13: | 9781682359723 |
Formatas: | 229 x 152 x 4 mm. Knyga minkštu viršeliu |
Kalba: | Anglų |
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