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Cultural Diplomacy of France and the United States and its Practical Conduct in Lithuania

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Knygos „Cultural Diplomacy of France and the United States and its Practical Conduct in Lithuania“ aprašymas

The focus of the monograph has been on the examination of French and American models of cultural diplomacy which possess many elements that might be interesting and attractive to other states despite their considerable differences. It is important to note that these issues have not been analysed in much depth by Lithuanian political scientists so far. Therefore, the current monograph has been written taking into account the objective to partially fill in certain academic gaps on the subject. The French pattern of cultural diplomacy deserves a thorough scrutiny due to its flexibility and traditional attractiveness worldwide. Cultural and diplomatic contacts between Lithuania and France are particularly interesting since both countries happen to be quite different from each other in numerous respects but at the same time they also cherish deep-rooted traditions of a fruitful cooperation on political and artistic levels. The American pattern of cultural diplomacy has traditionally been different from the French one in terms of a more liberal organizational style and a far greater readiness to exploit private initiatives and non-governmental financial resources in order to showcase the best examples of American culture internationally. In this monograph considerable attention is paid to the successful instances of American cultural diplomacy in Lithuania as an indicator which direction should be taken to ensure a strong friendship and intensive cultural exchanges between both countries in the nearest future.

  • Autorius: Giedrė Pranaitytė
  • Leidėjas: Versus aureus
  • Išleidimo metai: 2016
  • Knygos puslapių skaičius: 240
  • Formatas: 15x21, minkšti viršeliai
  • ISBN ar kodas: 9786094671944

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Žanras: Lietuvių literatūra

Online knygynas siūlo skaitytojams įsigyti internetu knygą „Cultural Diplomacy of France and the United States and its Practical Conduct in Lithuania“, Giedrė Pranaitytė. Pasižvalgyti po platų knygyno asortimentą verta, nes pas mus visada rasite itin geras knygų kainas, išpardavimus, akcijas ir leidinius, kurie įprastai kainuoja pigiau nei fiziniuose knygynuose.

Apsispręsti, ar Giedrė Pranaitytė su knyga „Cultural Diplomacy of France and the United States and its Practical Conduct in Lithuania“ jus sudomino, padės mūsų parengtas išsamus kūrinio aprašymas, kuriame pateikiame santrauką apie autoriaus kūrybą, trumpai užsimename apie siužetą (nebijokit, turinio neišduodame!), žanrą ar nagrinėjamas temas. 

Dar daugiau – mūsų online pirkėjai noriai palieka atsiliepimus apie perskaitytas knygas. Todėl iš karto sužinosite ar knyga „Cultural Diplomacy of France and the United States and its Practical Conduct in Lithuania“ patiko skaitytojams bei kaip knygų mylėtojai įvertino kitus kūrinius, kuriuos parašė Giedrė Pranaitytė. Nepamirškite atsiliepimo apie knygą „Cultural Diplomacy of France and the United States and its Practical Conduct in Lithuania“ palikti ir jūs.


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